Saturday, May 10, 2008


Monday 5th May.

After our busy weekend today was a topping up and shopping day in the village and down in Estepona at the hypermarket .We then called into the garage to check on the Winnebago and turn the engine over but we had a problem starting it ,the batteries had gone flat so we had to put the chargers on and go back in a couple if days in the meantime Vidal called in and said that he would keep an eye on it.We also went to the English butchers down the road and picked up some fresh kidneys for a steak and kidney pie for dinner on Tuesday.

Tuesday 6th May.

Another warm and sunny day so first thing in the morning Brenda got all the washing out to dry on the roof terrace.As I started to prepare the pie I rung Anna to see if she would like to join us for supper only to find out that Mano could get the evening off so we arranged for them to come round in the evening as I always make more of everything we cook so as we have a meal for the next day ! In the afternoon I caught up with some work on the I am still learning to use Word so I practice my typing skills and how to use all the applications .In the early evening I had a text message from Carlos to say that he was off and was there room for one more? So we sat down to supper with nearly all the Guerrero family once again.Brenda made some of her famous mashed potatoes to go with the Steak and Kidney Pie.I opened a tin of mushy peas for Anna which we had bought for her as they are one of her favourites!The Red wine and Cruz Campo took a bashing!

Wednesday 7th May.

We woke up to a warm but cloudy day so Brenda caught up with some jobs around the house and then spent some time in the chill out room in the afternoon reading whilst I sat down at the desk and started to write 2/3 pages about my early days in Liverpool to send to Dean Sullivan to try and get on his radio programme.Dean is one of Janes best friends and has a three hour chat programme on the new City Talk 105.9 FM broadcasting from the St. Johns Tower in Liverpool.She is on the programme quite often in her capacity as the Cheshire Fresh food and produce promoter and gets about all over the country with Dean and his celebrity friends from when he was Jimmy Corkhill in Brookside for 18 years !I have the station on my P.C. and we are now able to listen to it,it brings back a lot of memories of Liverpool and also of local radio which I have always been a great supporter of over the years. Writing about the early days in Liverpool has been quite cathartic and has brought back a lot of memories and as Brenda proof reads what I have typed she also chips in with her past as she has also got a very good memory for peoples names and facts and places .It is also a good practice for when I start to write the book!

Thursday 8th May.

We went over to the garage to check out the Winnebago and it started first time,when we are sat in the front seats it brings back a lot of great memories of being on the road and our travels and we talked for quite a while and reminisced about the last two years on the road .First thing in the morning we had made an appointment at the doctors as Brenda has had a very nasty cough and sore throat and has also gone deaf in one ear.She has picked up a very nasty virus and is now on medication to get her back to her old self again!Later in the evening after supper I was on the P.C. listening to City Talk and the Pete Price phone in show,Pete and I go back a long way to the days at college in Liverpool. The theme of the show on Thursday was “ Don’t you just hate it when” and was very funny and typically Liverpool- with the phone call,texts and e-mails from the scousers! I got carried away and rang to leave a message to say how much I was enjoying the show only to find myself on air straight away talking to Pete Price! He remembered me and we started to go back over all the good times in Liverpool,he has just written a book about his life which I am getting a copy sent to me.I was on air for about 15 mins.and mentioned a lot of names and places from the past.One thing I learnt was about the delay on the live programme,it is about 30 seconds so I was listening to our conversation we had just had and talking at the same time! On coming off “ Air” I sent an e-mail to Jane to say that I had been on the Pete Price show only to find out that she had already sent me one saying that she had been told by Dean ,who happened to be listening to the show,all about my chat with Pete as her name came up in the conversation as she also knew Pete from the past and now !She also said that she was on Deans show on Friday afternoon in his” Deans Dames” spot and we should listen to it.

Friday 9th May.

Friday morning was a shopping day to get ready for the weekend so we went out and about to stock up with food and drink.On the way back we called in to see Vidal and Gissy and catch up with all the news,They have just put on Myspace a new promotional video which we now have on the P.C. Vidal and Gissy are very hot on all things about the computer and both help me with learning new things all the time.We then came back to the house for a light lunch and to listen to Jane on Deans show.The show is on every day Monday to Friday between 1,00 and 4.00 pm English time.As we listened to the show which covers the guests particular jobs and interests it is also a topical news programme and the guests are able to go off in all directions and thoughts as that is the whole idea of talk radio,no music and all talk! Jane gave us a mention when Dean asked her where she had got her tan?Some how the topic got onto cooking and chefs whites as there was also a lady on who had just opened a new restaurant in Liverpool,They could not work out when and who invented them so asked if anybody that knew would they ring in !! I rung straight away and found myself talking to the producer and on air with Dean within a minute! The answer was “ Escoffier which we checked later as we did not have time before going on air!”We soon found out that we had a lot in common and the conversation went on for over 15 mins.untill he had to cut me off The producer then came back on and I am now a V.I.P. member and my details are going to all the shows including the Phil Easton show on people who have left Liverpool,at the moment they are doing famous persons but are shortly going to do the not so famous-Watch and listen to this spot!! In the late afternoon Mano and Anna called in for a drink and we ended up going out for supper to the local gypsy bar which is just around the corner from us, they roasted a fresh chicken for us and we also had some spectacular fried Hake all served with fresh patas frits! We then went to the " Office " for coffes and brandy to finish off a nice day in Manilva,We give our blog details to all the locals and Mano's friend Juan is helping us to make the right contacts to get on the local radio and TV station with my programme that I have put together.We are also going to help Mano at the Aparthotel in the cafe bar,supermarket and chringiuto for a while which will help us with the finances till the Winnebago is sold!

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