Sunday, October 01, 2006


Thurs.28th Sept.

Went to Market Day with Graham and Sharon, not many stalls there today, so had a
little lunch in 'Jeans brasserie and took some pictures around the town with the
cam-corder, they have a magnificent town hall with a beautiful chuch next to it
(not able to post pictures to the web site at the moment until we can use the larger
laptop).Had a little social evening in the Winnebago with Graham and Sharon and
he helped us with some further info. on the computer.
Also had a long conversation with another English couple Tony and Kay Turner who
spend 6 months of the year in America . They have a motor home in storage in Arizona,
they have been travelling for ten years( intended to do it for three!!)
Gave us info. re. gas bottles and warning equipment.

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