Saturday, March 30, 2013


THURSDAY 28th/ FRIDAY 29th/ MARCH 2013.

Thursday was yet another in between day, weather wise with sun and then clouds and a little wind, then more sun, then rain – but the temperature’s remain at 20degs+! We pottered about the house and then went for a walk down to the Mirador by Bodega Augustine; as we were sat having a coffee Barbara came along with her three kids,Jake,Megan and Leah – it was her birthday and they were taking her out for lunch at Bodega Augustine so we had a chat and caught up with her news. In the evening for supper we had flattened Chicken Fillets griddled and then sprinkled with Balsamic Vinegar along with dry Sauté Potatoes and Green Beans – the late film was taken from an American Min-TV series “ Spartacus” from 2004 with Goran Visnijc in the title role, Allan Bates not looking well, Angus MacFadyen,Ben Cross and Ross Kemp ( Eastenders!) playing the Gladiator trainer dressed in a Roman skirt costume showing his dumpy legs – hilarious ! Kirk Douglas where are you?!

Good Friday morning after a little lie in we had our tea and toast and planned our weekend ahead; it is a strange long week after shopping on Wednesday and no papers today! No walk with the dog, just a quick whiz around the bloc as it was rather windy - in fact our front door shutters where blown at one stage! Brenda made as you can see in the picture below her rather special Prawn Cocktails with her signature ‘ Marie Rose’ sauce for our lunch. I made contact on the Skype video with Tim and Thea after speaking to Jo,home from university for Easter, to wish them a ‘Happy Easter’ – we caught up with all their news and they are calling us back today as Tim’s daughter Stacy is coming around to their house with her daughter ‘Olivia’ who is ten – we can’t believe it – time really does fly!! We are looking forward to speaking to them as we have only seen a few pictures of her as she has been growing up.


In the early evening at 7-30pm we went out to catch the parade of the two ‘Tronos as they entered Calle Mar; sadly no sign of them and we then found out that they had been curtailed due to the threat of rain as they set off from the congress centre. We dashed down to the centre and I managed to catch them up as they returned as you can see in the pictures above, I have also used some pictures from ‘The Resident’ newspaper photographer! Thanks. I also picked up a copy of the Spanish edition of ‘Sur’ which had a large picture of the Spanish Legion and the Legionnaires on parade in the morning carrying Jesus on the Cross before placing it on the Tronos for later – see the picture above.

We returned to the village and called into Bar Rojas for a quick one before dinner, Lumy’s younger son Paco was carrying one of the ‘Tronos as you can see; we also picked up our Tapas lunch for today as Lumy had made a Pea Frittata and a fish Empanada, a ‘Galicia’ Tuna and Egg Pie, a flat pastry pie a bit like a Cornish Pastie! As we were talking my mobile went, it was Lilli on Skype from Finland ringing to wish us “ Happy Easter”- we had a nice long chat and we put her on to Lumy and Manolo for a chat as well! It was so nice to hear from the folks – we miss them terrible!! Come back all is forgiven !!   For dinner we had our Manilva style ‘Fish and Chips’ – Fillets of Hake in a ‘Cruz Campo’ Beer Batter, which I made in the morning, with square chips and tinned mushy peas ! We then caught the end of another American Mini TV series “ Attila the Hun ”from 2001 with Gerard Butler in the main role – all action – no acting!

Thoughts for the Day;

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who really is a friend.  Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things.




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