Thursday, February 26, 2009


Thursday 26th. February.

Well this is the morning after the night before; as we went to bed on Wednesday night,well actually early Thursday morning as we never go to bed the same day as we get up! the wind was getting up as forecast and as the night went on it got stronger and more loud,there was no rain,thunder or lightening but it soon became severe by the middle of the night.I got up to check around the villa that every where was secure as it is a large house with lots of opening windows and shutters,as I came down the stairs the electricity went off and then for the next couple of hours went off and on for longer periods.Boo the younger of the two dogs was obsessively becoming scared and was shaking and fretting in the dark,Millie was ok so I had to bring Boo up to our bedroom and let him sleep with us,he jumped on the bed and soon made himself comfortable with Brenda’s help!This morning the weather is no better and the wind is blowing up the valley straight off the Atlantic as I am typing this; the TV system has not reset and so we have pictures but very little sound coming from the floor to ceiling quad speakers and the Wi Fi is also acting up, I don’t want to mess with the systems too much as they are both very technical, especially the TV and music system in the music room off the main lounge. I am going to type up the blog page every day and save it until I am back on line, tonight we are having omelettes with frits for supper and on Friday morning we going down to Tarifa for the weekend shopping.

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