Friday, August 16, 2019



After another very ‘ sticky’ night we took ‘Chico & Sunny’ out for their first walk of the day, around the bottom of the village, ‘Sunny’ was picked up later in the morning, he’s back for a long weekend later in the month, this coming weekend ‘ Pucci’ is joining us for a week’s holiday, his first time with us in ‘ Doggy World Heaven’ – ‘Chispa’ as usual as been in & out all the time to see all her friends and us!

PS; ‘ Chico’ came out with us a lunchtime, all the dogs that are with us, joins when we are out & about!

When we returned we had a light breakfast before getting ourselves ready to go out at lunchtime, Vic, Sue & Ben were coming over, from the far-side of Marbella at 1-00 pm, their friends decided to not come ( 3 young children!)

As we set off on first walk of the day with the dogs there was thick sea-mist over the Mediterranean and heavy clouds over the mountains, the sun soon broke through and the sky cleared and was bright blue by lunchtime, when the folks arrived, it was very warm and sunny reaching 30 degs+ - with just a very slight ‘ Lavente ‘ breeze blowing up and along ‘ Calle Mar’ – tomorrow and over the weekend it’s getting hotter, up to 34 degs+ by Sunday, next week is starting hot & sunny but then in the middle of the week we could be in for a bit of unseasonal weather, on one forecast showing the ‘ Wet Stuff’?! – as the breeze gets up, keeping the overall temperatures hovering in the mid/high 20s,for the rest of the week, watch this space.

Vic, Sue & Ben, who had grown, he’s now 16, joined us at the house for a nice chilled bottle of ‘Cava’ – a bottle of Coca Cola for Ben, with some light Tapas, we then had a good catch up with all their news including a ‘ Facebook Messenger ‘ video link up with Vic,s Mum, Val, who is a dear friend, that we have known for nearly 55 years, from back in the good old days on the Wirral and of course all the happy memories of the  ‘ The Bridge Inn ‘ in Port Sunlight.

We then made our way along to ‘ Bar Castillo’ and sat in the shade with our nice cool drinks, introducing Sue to ‘Tinto de Verano’s’ – a mixture of chilled Red House wine with Lemon Fanta, lots of Ice and a slice! We ordered a selection of various light Tapas as we brought the World to rights, caught up with all the family news etc, a very pleasant reunion after two years, see the same pictures below, as there last visit, taken yesterday afternoon outside our house!

PS; Thank’s for lunch Vic!

It was then ‘ Siesta’ time and later we settled down in front of the TV and watched nothing in particular, as we had ‘Heinz Baked Beans’ on Toast!

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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