Sunday, February 03, 2019



We had a little lie in this morning, then a quick freshen up and toast & tea before getting today’s ‘ Roast’ on the go, next week we are out on Monday evening, down at the local surgery for our appointments with the Council Chiropodist, on Tuesday morning we have a new dog ‘ Winnie’ the ‘Pug’ coming to see us, then on Wednesday afternoon we are out at the ‘Brexit’ meeting down at the ‘Villa Matilda’ in Sabinillas ( See below ) - finally on Friday morning I will be out on my travels back down to Sabinillas for the weekly shopping etc


Overnight the wind dropped, as forecast, and this morning the sun was out first thing and the clouds have cleared and the sky is bright blue, there is just a slight breeze keeping it ‘ Fresh’ – by lunchtime it will be 14/15 degs+ - still overnight down to 6/7 degs, next week is looking dry and sunny with a few patchy clouds, as the week goes on it’s getting warmer, with just a very light breeze, by Thursday it will reach 20 degs+ - back to normal for the time of the year, next weekend is also looking settled, the long range forecasts are showing the following week as the same, watch this space.

See below a view down to Gibraltar and across to Africa from the coast past Sabinillas this morning!

Just a quick update on the sports results from yesterday; Everton lost 1-3 & Barcelona could only manage a 2-2 draw, Scotland won 33-20 and in a exciting game England beat the ‘ Champions’ Ireland in Dublin 20- 32 and played superbly, a famous victory as they battered the Irish & ‘ Jonny Sexton’ !

We are having a ‘ Roast Loin of Pork’ marinated in Lemon & Lime Juice, with a ‘ Crusty Mixed Herb Stuffing’- cooked on Mixed Vegetable ‘Trivets’ – then left to rest, garnished with a Roast Onion & Potato, with my famous ‘ Finger-Licking’ Pan Gravy, the ‘ Vegetable Chef’ is preparing Cauliflower Florets in Cheese sauce, Crushed Carrots & Turnips, Cabbage with Acelgas & Garden Peas and the classic ‘ Fondant Potatoes’ – hand-cut & turned by Brenda into cylinders, then browned off in hot Vegetable Oil, placed on their ends and slowly roasted in a rich ‘Chicken & Vegetable’ stock, with the ends just above the stock!

I have been listening to the ‘Pete Black Retro Roadshow ‘ on “ Castle Radio FM 89.2 & Online on the ‘ WWW’ “ as I have been typing/posting today's Blog, the ' Film Quiz ' came on so ' Lady' Brenda guessed that it was ' Robert De Niro ' in 'The Deer Hunter' from 1978, she want's a ' Mug' to go with mine, which is in the post! We are waiting to hear if it's correct?! watch this space.

PS; Sadly this week nobody got it right! - It was 'Robert De Niro ' in ' Meet the Fockers ' !!

At lunchtime we are wrapping up and going for short walk around the village, later we will settle down, relax and take things very easy, last night after supper we watched a good film – “ Jason Bourne “ from 2016, with of course Matt Damon in the title role, it’s the fifth installment of the ‘Bourne’ series! With Tommy Lee Jones , Vincent Cassel, Alicia Vikander & Julia Stiles, all action, with lots of shooting’s’- fights, stabbings and lots of car chases !! This evening we will catch the last episode of ‘ Vera ‘ for this series.

Thoughts for the Day; See above.


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