Sunday, September 02, 2018



We had a good, long, lie in this morning after a late night coming home, actually not too late, around 2-00am, as the music & dancing went on until 5’00 am! It all kick’s off again at 1-00pm with the two stages in ‘Calle Mar ’alternating with bands, the one on the stage ( 3 piece Boy Band) at the top of our street was rather entertaining, the main ‘ Rock’ stage in the ‘Plaza de la Vendemia’ goes on all the time with mainly ‘DJs’, later this evening there is a ‘Spanish’ 80s, Pop Band on the top stage to finish off the celebrations.

NB; It’s a local ‘ Bank Holiday’ in sunny Manilva on Monday!

This afternoon at 5-00pm it’s the parade of the performing ‘ Andalusian Stallions’ along  ‘Calle Mar’ – ( see the pictures later ) - then at 7-00pm it’s the climax as this year’s Grapes are crushed by two local, young, ‘ Caberallero’s’ in the ‘Crushing Pit’in the ‘Plaza de la Vendemia’ which was opened five years ago, when three older ‘ Caberallero’s’ christened the new pit, on the left Mario, now the Mayor, on the right the Ex- Mayor, Diego and in the middle the oldest ‘Crusher’ in the village, ‘ME’!!!

See the pictures below;

                                                                                      And in the old pit the previous year!

                                                                                       Now immortalized forever !!

We had our usual light breakfast to start us off for the day ahead, Fresh Fruit, Toast & Tea, as at lunchtime we are having a ‘ Brunch’ to set us up for the start of the days celebrations, during the evening, last night and this evening, we will be popping back for our supper of my famous ‘ Chicken & Mushroom Curry ‘ served on Brenda’s famous Basmati Rice!

Yesterday evening we based ourselves outside ‘ Bar Castillo’ to watch the parade of the ‘ Cofradia Nazareno Dolores Tableau’ led by the Manilva Brass Band’ with all the children & ladies in their wine pickers costumes, followed by the village Councillors & Dignitaries.

See all the pictures above.

This morning had started a little overcast but by lunchtime the sun will break through and it’s due to reach 30 degs+ with a light breeze keeping it fresh, next week is looking settled with patchy clouds at times, staying warm & sunny, hovering in the low 30s, as the there is a light breeze keeping it still very pleasant, just right for the time of the year, watch this space.

Just a quick sports update; Liverpool won 1-2, Everton could only manage a 1-1 draw and Manchester City won 2-1, Real Madrid won 4-1. Lewis Hamilton could only manage third place pole position behind the two faster Ferrari’s at today’s ‘ Italian Grand Prix’ at Imola.

Today’s Stage 9 of the ‘La Vuelta 2018’ is a classic mountain stage with climb to the finish at La Covatilla from Talavera de la Reina, over 200 kms. It’s a well earned ‘ Rest Day’ tomorrow.

See below;

PS; We have just spotted that it’s ‘Father’s Day’ over in Australia, as his daughter Sue, who is on a European Holiday, sent him a message on Facebook, she has been to London, Paris, Prague, Berlin and Gothenberg, so far, with her friend Trudie! –  and  is now on a Cruise!!


Thoughts for the Day; See above.

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