Friday, November 10, 2017



I was first this morning and saw ‘Reina’ back with us for the day, she shot into her duvet, she’s back next week on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday, I then shot off on my travels down to Sabinillas for the weekly shopping, I had my toast & tea in ‘ Itzabar’ and then did the main shop in ‘ Mercadona’ before popping along to the ‘ English Bookshop’ for the local newspapers, I then shot along to the market at the far end of the promenade for some fresh flowers & walls plants, finally on the way back I called into ‘ Super Sol’ for the English essentials, next Tuesday morning we are going along to ‘ Iceland’ past Sotogrande for all the ‘Xmas’ essentials!

After unloading, back at the house, ‘Calle Mar’ was open as there is no sign of any ‘Contract’ workmen and the local are moving the ‘closed’ barriers! ‘Scruffy’ was then dropped off for the rest of the morning/lunchtime as Adrian had an appointment across at the Hospital, ‘Chispa’ is in & out all the time and will no doubt call in later.

See below the latest picture of the new ' Estepona Hospital ' shooting up!

Overnight it was rather cool, nearly down to 10 degs, as the ‘ Icy’ blast from the ‘Arctic’ is keeping it very ‘ Crisp’ The sun is out and the sky is blue, there is a sharp breeze , in the sun it’s warm but in the shade, cold, over the weekend it’s going a little warmer, up to 23 degs, next week is looking warm & settled, hovering in the low 20s, overnight 13/14 degs, watch this space.

Meanwhile over in Everett, Ontario, Canada, the snow has finally arrived yesterday afternoon, no doubt the folks are used to the conditions, in fact Sandra says that she likes the snow, it will be with them for the next 4/5 months!

See below pictures of Sandra enjoying the snow with her children, Alanna & Neil. - last year!

We have arranged to call them on Saturday evening on the ‘ Skype ‘ video, at lunchtime Tim & Thea are calling us, from Mojacar, also on the ‘ Skype’ video, for a good catch up, yesterday they went to Almeria, they are now able to travel about, as they have the car, we are also going to call Jack & Lyn, over in Melbourne, on Saturday morning via the ‘ Skype’ video, then on Sunday the two sisters over in the ‘UK’ can expect a call on the new ‘ Skype’ landline connection!! “ SKYPE RULES “

This evening for our supper we are having ‘Pan-Seared Fillets of Hake ‘ dusted in seasoned flour, finished in foaming ‘Lime’ Butter, with Parsley New Potatoes & Garden Peas, on Saturday it’s going to be, for a change, the classic ‘ Steak Diane ‘ that I was shown how to make/cook over 50 years ago, by the old ‘Head Waiter’ ( Mr Oliver ) at the ‘ Stork Hotel ‘ in Queens Square, in Liverpool!  Then on Sunday we are having a ‘ Roast Chicken’ with all the trimmings.

We are taking things very easy over the weekend, relaxing, watching TV, the news system gives us lots of options, fingers crossed, it’s settled down & now running,  the new radio/connection on the ‘Computer’ system, up in the office/studio, which Lee installed the other evening seems to be picking up a stronger single, watch this space.

The exciting news that I promised the other day is that ‘ Castle Radio FM’ is moving It’s main studio up to sunny Manilva, over the next few weeks, Andrew is moving into a house, next to Carlos, on the road to the ‘ Manilva Green Aparthotel’ – it used to have a shop and he’s making it into the new studio, I showed him around the village the other day and introduced him to all the local ‘ watering holes’! it means that I could be back on air ‘Live’ from my office/studio sooner than expected, with my ‘ Sir’ Malcolm’s Classic Saturday Session’- Watch this space!!

Thoughts for the Day;  See above.


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