Monday, December 28, 2009


Saturday 26th December 2009. BOXING DAY.

Toasted Bacon butties for breakfast with mugs of steaming tea started the day in the right way; Joan is not feeling well, her arthritis in her back has been acting up over Xmas so we decided to have a lazy day about the villa and take things easy. For lunch we had Lobster soup, Baxters, with cream and Brandy added along with Brenda’s Melba toast (Memories of the good old days when we served it in our restaurants all the time) In the afternoon we watched the racing from Kempton Park; Kauto Star won the King George VI Chase for the fourth straight time and the Bank holiday crowds went mad, the atmosphere was electric and the coverage on Channel 4 was great. In the evening for supper we had cold Turkey with Bubble and Squeak as we settled down to watch the TV.

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