Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Tues24th April.
We had a lie in after our afternoon and evening in Manilva on Monday,then went
for a swim and went down the coast to Benalmadena Coasta for lunch with Penny
and her friends.We met them on the front in the busy marina for a coffee and brandy
and then found a very nice Tapas bar just around the corner to introduce the ladies
to a traditional Tapas lunch of cold,then hot Tapas washed down with the local beer
and Vino Blanco.We had fifeteen different Tapas from the large display and a great
time was had by all! We then walked around the marina in the hot sun and again
introduced the ladies to" Tinto de Verano"-local red wine with ice and topped up with
lemonade to choice! We then went back into Marbella to arrange the time share
swop to a new management agency.The picture above shows from left to right,
Margaret,Dorota,Penny and Veronica in the Tapas bar;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and a good day was has by all!!
back in Bridgnort& still reliving the stories
love 2 u both
from bridgnorth