Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Saturday 26th April.

Today was the hottest day so far but in the house it’s lovely and cool which bolds well for the summer months to come. Over the next few months there are also some Saints Days in the village and local area which we will get involved in including the Grape Festival when they crush the grapes in a large vat at the top of our street outside the Town Hall ! and also the Fisherman’s Festival is down on the sea front in Sabinillas.Brenda has been washing,drying and ironing all day so as next week is free to go out and about with Jane.In the meantime I have been in the office and have added more Radio and TV stations onto the PC and I have also been working on the ideas for my TV programme.One of the downloads is a side bar Google page that has allsorts of add-ons including 7 BBC radio I now listen to the BBC World service as I am sat at the desk ! In the afternoon we went up to the local bar and sat and watched the world go by as we drank Tinto de Verano’s before we had a supper of Steak and Frits and then watched the TV including the local Manilva TV station’s English spot – no problem to improve the presentation.

Sunday 27th April/

On a Sunday we have a lie in and then I cook a Brunch which is our one and only cooked breakfast of the week as we don’t eat till late- today we are having a Roast Lemon Chicken for supper with Fresh green beans,Over the past few weeks we have cut down on a lot of things and we have both lost some weight – Brenda has lost nearly 12lbs. and I have lost 9lbs.! We have also started to walk a lot more and going up and down the three floors also helps! Tomorrow in the morning I am picking up Jane from the airport in Malaga and in the afternoon they are dropping off the hire car at the Aparthotel and we are leaving the Smart car in the garage. I see that flights to Gibraltar are starting again in the next few months which is a lot closer to us and also very easy to use as is the Jerez airport.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Sunday 20th April.

The forecast for the week is hot and very sunny and as we got up this morning it was a beautiful day.On Sunday morning we had a late brunch of Smoked Bacon,Pork Sausage,Baked Beans,local Tomatoe,Saute Potatoes and local fresh Eggs as we had invited Anna around for Sunday dinner. She came to the house in the early evening and as we were about to sit down the front door bell went and it was Carlos and Anna with Fabio on their way home so they joined us for dinner ! Luckily we had a large Leg of Pork in the oven and as usual we had had prepared more than enough for us so the evening became a “ Guerrero “ family occasion as Mano came down after work as well !

Monday 21st April.

On Monday we went over to the large Garden centre near our old site and bought some Plants and Pot’s for the front balconies which have now become a talking point with all our neighbors, they can also be seen from inside thru the Glass door’s and when they are open you can also smell them as well ! In the evening we had cold Roast Pork and salad for supper.

Tuesday 22nd April.

We went down to Estepona to our Spanish bank as we prefer to go in and not go on the internet,they are very helpful and as soon as we walk in they look after us and the manager is also very friendly,We then went to the garage to check on the Winnebago and we then called on Vidal and Gissy to catch up with all the news.As we got back to the village we spotted Anna and Carlos with Fabio and joined them for a drink in the square in the very warm afternoon sunshine.Supper was Chicken Curry which was one of the hottest yet as I have now got seven different powders !

Wednesday 23rd April.

In the morning we went down to the beach front at Sabinillas for our morning coffee and drink and as I read the papers Brenda went for a paddle in the warm sea water,The promenade is very nice and as every where in Spain it is also very clean and tidy, they even smooth and clean the sand first thing in the morning ! We ended up on the roof terrace back at our house in the late afternoon sunshine with the cold drinks to hand.

Thursday 24th April.

We went for a walk around the village as we are still discovering our way around the narrow streets and it also helps we when go out in the Smart car which is also very useful because of its size ! We bumped into the folks at one of our favourite bars in the main street and as it was Carlos’s day off he invited us for supper that evening.We had a smashing night with all the family as Carlos’s wife Anna came home from work and also Mano later. Carlos had prepared Chicken Legs baked in the oven with green peppers and onions which he had bought from the local butcher by his apartment and he also on a large grill top cooked Red peppers, local mushrooms and his now famous Frits.To start we had Avocado and Prawns and it was all washed down with the local wine and beer ! The evening finished up with Anna and me on the PC playing “ Who Wants to be a Millionaire “

Friday 25th April.

Friday is our shopping day so we went over to the Hypermarket and then to the English butchers to stock up for next week.In the evening we watched a DVD that we had bought at the Hypermarket which was on offer for only 5 euro ! Over the weekend we are taking it easy as next week when Jane arrives we are planning to be out and about on the Costa del Sol in the hot and very sunny weather showing her all the sites !! Watch out for the pictures and reports . We have arranged a hire car for four days.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


At the start of the week we called into the local garden centre and bought some Plant's and Pots to put out on our balconies,as it turned out the weather has changed for the better and we are having the niciest suuny week so far this year ! Our neighbours all came out and said " Muy Bonito "






Saturday, April 19, 2008


Sunday 13th April.

We had invited Vidal and Gissy for Sunday lunch as a” thank you” for all their help when we moved in over two months ago but at the last minute they got asked to do a surprise birthday party on the beach front in Estepona so we had to take a rain check on the Roast Leg of Lamb ! Over the weekend we have e-mailed our friend Jane in Chester and we are waiting to hear if she will be our first guest.

Monday 14th April.

As we got up today it was cloudy and rain was forecast so we decided to stay in and catch up with all the little jobs around the house; we fitted a new toilet seat, oiled the squeaky door’s and cupboards, super-glued the shower rails in the bathroom and put up new curtains in the our bedroom! Jane e-mailed to say that she had booked a flight from Liverpool to Malaga two weeks today so she will be our first guest.I then settled into the office and started to set up the large Dell PC which I have not been able to use since we set off, I installed the new printer and produced my first picture on photo gloss paper,it was the picture of Brenda’s sister Lyn in New Zealand and it is now in a picture frame ! For dinner we put on a curry and then watched the local Spanish TV stations which when the Sur English paper comes out on Friday we check to see if what we thought was happening, was!

Tuesday 15th April.

Today was also rainy so I spent some time on the new PC and I am now typing this on “ Word “ for the first time after some false starts as I had not used word before so it took me a little time to work it all out.I have also put together my idea’s for my Radio/TV programme and at the same time I’ve installed some of the local Radio and TV stations on the PC.I also was able to translate the copy into Spanish on the excellent Google page and then print off my first drafts! If you are now reading this and looking at the pictures of the guest bedroom it means that I have also managed to publish it on the blog page as well !

Wednesday 16th April.

We called in to see Mano today at the Aparthotel as we had not seen him for couple of weeks and catch up with all the news. The full license has been granted by the Mayor,we spotted the owner on the local TV station signing the papers.Anna has come back from North Wales after a week with a bad cold and is still in bed! Carlos’s wife Anna has started work in the café bar and supermarket so Mano is now able to get out and about a bit. Over the weekend and during the week Fabio has not been very well and when we saw him in the village he did not look his usual happy self but when we met them down in Sabinillas for a coffee he looked a lot better.In the evening we watched the “ Kings Cup “ it was the final between Valencia and Getafe,its like our FA cup –Getafe lost again !

Thursday 17th April.

Today as the weather picked up we went out to the hypermarket for our weekly shop and also called into the furniture shop and chose some pictures to go in our bedroom and the dressing room as well as some small rugs to go by the beds.We then went across to the English butcher’s for some Lamb Chops and we had them for supper with Boulangere potatoes after we finished getting the guest room ready.

Friday 18th April.

As we passed on our way to the garage to check on the Winnebago,no news yet, we called into to see Vidal and Gissy.Vidal was busy dressmaking! It’s one of his many talents and at the moment he is making a new waistcoat and was very busy on his sewing machine finishing it off for the gig later in the evening! For supper we had pan –fried Chicken Breasts which were the offer of the week at the hypermarket.

Saturday 19th April.

Today we are having a quiet day, Brenda is ironing and also stitching some curtain which we bought in the hypermarket along with new shower curtains,we also found in the local market on Wednesday a small curtain for the bathroom window. Next week we are going to the Garden centre to get some plants to put on the front of the house on the balconies and also on the roof terrace. Tonight we are having Steak and Frits for dinner,We buy from the local butchers as well and during the week we had some excellent Entrecote. We now cook with the local olive oil all the time and are now getting to know how to use it and at what temperatures to use! Tomorrow Anna is coming for dinner,still no Mano as he is working ! and we are having Roast Leg of Pork with all the trimmings for the first time.


The pictures below show's the second floor guest room ready for our first guest in a weeks time !




Saturday, April 12, 2008



Monday 7th April.
Today was the first day for some more sales training at the Marriott resort just before Marbella of the new sales managers; we were asked back at the end of last week.We go over in the afternoon and it takes about three hours,they pay us in vouchers to dine out and also for the Spa in the resort.The list of restaurants that we can go too has been updated since last time and has some of the best on the coast! During the show round the heavens opened and we were caught in a rain storm,when it rains in Spain ,it rains! This week has been an umbrella carrying one as the forecast has been rain but with sunny periods,the difference is that the rain is warm!
Tuesday 8th April.
First thing in the morning we went out for the shopping and then called in to see Vidal and Gissy after we had been to the garage to check on the Winnebago,the owner had a very good possible sales enquiry over the weekend.For dinner I made a Steak and Kidney Pie with Brenda's now famous Mashed potatoes the only difference being that I used Red Wine not Guinness!
Wednesday 9th April.
In the afternoon we went over for another session at the Marriott and then had a quiet night in and watched the football on TV,it was the Liverpool match-we won!
Thursday10th April.
The weather was warm and sunny as we went to our last training day at the Marriott and collected all our vouchers,they are going to use us again in the future! In the evening we had a phone call from our dear friend Tim who was in Madrid,he had been in Toledo during the week and had moved onto Madrid as he was on a visit to do with his work as an international schools co-ordinator,he was in a bar in the centre of Madrid watching with the locals the Getafe match,he was in good company as the King was at the match also ! I was also watching it on Spanish TV at the same time-it was a “Helluva” match- but they lost!!
Friday 11th April.
We had a lie in before we went out to the supermarket to shop for the weekend,we use the local one when we need to and also we are using the local Spanish butcher more as he gets to know our needs.We have not seen a lot of Mano in the last few weeks but as he has got his daughter in law working for him now we hope to catch up with him next week as Anna is over in North Wales this week.We have also had a few e-mails from friends which always makes our day,it's so nice to hear from them! In the evening Vidal dropped off Gissy to do our hair.Brenda's is very short and mine had two inches cut off! For supper we had a roast chicken which we had picked up from the supermarket,they where on offer-two for five euros!! I roasted it with lemon and made some fresh frits.
Saturday 12th April.
During the week on our travels we also picked up some pictures for the house,a very nice chair for my office and also a large dressing mirror for the dressing room which Vidal picked up for us as we could not fit it into the Smart car,only one problem,when we opened the box the mirror was broken !! So we had to go back over to Marbella and they changed it right away.This morning we had a phone call about our housesitting advert from an agent acting for a Dutch Millionaire who wanted us to live in full time and also chauffeur for him at his new villa outside Marbella,she offered a very good contract and salary! But we said no as we do not want to work full-time now!! As our adverts come out on Friday we also get a lot of calls about the Winnebago,in fact I have just come off a call from a very interested English chap living in Estepona-watch this space. The picture above shows my office in which I am typing this now and were I am going to start to write the book!!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


The weather this week has just been gorgeous,warm sun,blue skies and in the early evening beautiful sunsets so we are spending a lot of time on the roof terrace reading and listening to the local FM Radio stations with our G/Ts and Cuba Libre not far from our hands! Later in the week we had a day out to catch up with the shopping and at the same time we found that some of our local furniture shops had some offers on so we found some nice things to go on the first floor landing “Chill Out “ area as you can see in the pictures below,at the same time we found a mirror to go in the top double bedroom which is starting to come together and also a PC station/table and wicker mat for my “ Office “ in part of the dressing room-more picturea to follow. On Friday morning we had a e-mail asking us if we could do some more sales training at the Marriot resort next week,so we are going over for three days in the afternoon and we are payed with vouchers to dine out and for spa treatments.We have also renewed the adverts for the sale of the Winnebago and for our housesitting adding our house number,which we are getting 2/3 calls a day from.Also this week Brenda has been driving the Smart Car around the local large car park next to the market site which is empty in the week for some practise before she hits the roads in a few weeks ! Once my office is ready I am going to start to write a book about life in hotels which has been in my head for years! At the same time I am putting together a proposal for a spot on the local TV stations for a weekly programme in “English “ as I have spotted that there is opening!! It will feature news.local for local English residents,sport updates,weekly food items and guests as well as the local Spanish news in English!! Watch this space. A star is born !
On Friday evening we had booked a table at this new restaurant which is run by the same family from the La Menorah restaurant outside Estepona.The owner told us that they had a guest chef coming from Segovia in the region of Castllana outside Madrid and that the menu was going to show all the regional specialities;We started with Venison Carpaccio with herb olive oil that melted in the mouth,the Marinated Game meat with blanched vegetables was served wthe a savoury dressing,the meat was white and gamey ,it was very spectacular.To follow we had a beautiful rich Black Pudding tossed wth scrambled eggs and Pine Nuts-wow!! Next was Wild Mushrooms from Segovia sauteed with Iberian Ham, The main course was Roasted Baby Suckling Pig “ Collado Hermoso Style” accompanied with a boulangere type potatoes and a crisp lettuce and spring onion salad,it is roasted in a very hot oven just with water until the skin is very crisp and the meat falls apart,the juice is to die for!!For the desert it was a small selection of iced sweetmeats,All this was served with for the first few courses a unbelievable white wine from the north of Barcelona-”Carramimbre D.O.Rueda “ We had drunk the bottle before all the starter courses had finished so the owner gave us another bottle! The red wine was “Solaguen Reserva 2001 D.O. Rioja from the same region-it was also very special with a fullbodied “nose” to remember forever! As we left the owner's son presented us with another bottle of the white wine to take home,One “Helluva” night,The pictures below give you a little taste of the atmosphere.